How to maintain everyday objects?

Comment entretenir les objets du quotidien

Would you like to know how to maintain everyday objects ? If yes, then you are in the right place to learn about it. Indeed, the everyday items that we use in the household and others require special care in order to last a long time. Thus, to allow everyone to take good care of these objects in order to make good use of them, we had written this article. So read the content in full to find out how you can do it.

How to maintain everyday objects: knives, forks, spoons and the chopper

How to maintain everyday objects

Knives should be stored separately from forks and spoons , as knives become blunt when in contact with other metal products. Also, knives should not be left on a hot stove, as the sharp blade will heat up and the steel will lose its strength and elasticity. In addition, it is not recommended to leave knives and forks in hot water for a long time. Also, stains on knives and forks should be cleaned with a cap dipped in sifted fine sand and soap powder.

In particular, iron knives, forks and spoons should be cleaned with emery powder or finely ground bricks. For stainless steel ones, you should wash them with warm soapy water and then rinse them with clean tap water. As for the electric chopper , it should be rinsed well after use. In fact, for better cleaning, pass white paper through it to make it very clean.

How to protect everyday metal objects from rust?

To protect metal objects from rust, you can coat them in petroleum jelly. But metal objects are better preserved if they are covered with a composition of paraffin and kerosene. This mixture is not difficult to prepare. Indeed, from an ordinary paraffin candle, 30 grams of shavings should be scraped, and mixed with 0.1 liters of kerosene. After that, keep the objects in the mixture in a sealed container for three to four days until the paraffin dissolves. The resulting ointment should cover the metal objects. As a result, the kerosene will quickly evaporate, and the paraffin will protect the objects well from rust. You can remove paraffin on objects with a cloth soaked in kerosene. In addition, metal objects become very shiny when rubbed with dry, crumpled newspaper.

How to clean copper everyday objects from oxide?

Copper products are carefully cleaned and wiped with a sponge moistened successively with water and turpentine. In fact, the product must be immersed in copal lacquer, diluted in turpentine. This varnish protects the copper from oxide. Thus, the product will last a long time. So do not hesitate to practice this trick if you have copper objects from oxide because it is a very safe way to clean them in order to make good use of them .

How to clean everyday copper and brass objects?

The articles

How to clean everyday objects

Copper and brass are cleaned with a mixture of 100g of fine sawdust, 50g of pharmaceutical talc and 150g of flour bran. All this must be mixed well and diluted with table vinegar to the density of sour cream. Indeed, apply on the surface of the object the mixture. Now, when the mixture will be dry, rub the surface of the product with a dry cloth until it becomes shiny.

Alternatively, a mixture of 25 grams of table salt and 1 cup of whey also works well. This time, with a cloth soaked in this mixture, rub the object, then rinse with water and rub with a dry cloth to make it shine. Both of these methods are very effective and are the right way to clean copper and brass items.

How to clean silver objects?

To properly maintain an everyday silver object , you must clean them. Indeed, before cleaning, the silver object must be washed with warm water and soap. Then, coat it with a pasty mixture of ammonia and chalk. Once the mixture is dry, the object must be washed again with water and wiped with a dry woolen cloth. This is a very simple and effective way to maintain everyday objects made of silver.

How to maintain everyday objects, especially dishes?

How to maintain everyday objects

To give the glassware greater strength, it must be boiled before use. This is done as follows: a layer of sand is placed on the bottom of the pan, the dishes are poured with cold water and boiled for 15 minutes. After that, add 2 tablespoons of salt and boil for another half hour. As soon as the water has cooled, take out the dishes and rinse with tap water. This way of caring for, for example, a mirror-reflecting cup is not complex. So protect all the dishes using this method.

By the way, you can also remove scale from the kettle and pots by boiling water with vinegar. To do this, take 3-5 tablespoons of vinegar per liter of water and boil for about an hour. After boiling, the dishes should be washed several times with hot water and soap. Scale from pots and kettles can also be removed with raw potato peelings . In this case, you need to put them in the pot or kettle, pour cold water and boil for several hours.

How to maintain everyday objects, especially pottery?

It is recommended to put the earthenware in cold water for a while before use. Even better, the earthenware is preserved if it is filled to the brim with cold water and put on the fire, then cooled slowly. In fact, cracks in the earthenware can be repaired as follows: place a few pieces of sugar in a dish and put it on a high fire. The sugar syrup obtained must be passed through all the cracks in the earthenware. Then dry it in the sun, thus, it transforms into a very durable carbonized mass. A container thus maintained becomes usable again forever.

How to eliminate the smell in the dishes, the buffet, the refrigerator?

If the dishes smell bad, pour a little quicklime, pour water to the brim and let stand for several hours before cleaning. It is recommended to add coarse sand to this solution during repeated cleaning, and then rinse the dishes thoroughly with clean water.

By the way, the smell of mold from wooden utensils is removed by washing with hot water and vinegar, and then with water and soap. Soda should not be used to wash wooden dishes , as the wood will turn red due to the substances contained in the soda. In addition, in the refrigerator and buffet, an unpleasant smell is eliminated with charcoal (by putting a piece on a saucer) or onion slices.

How to maintain everyday objects

How to clean wooden vats, tubs and barrels?

To clean wooden vats and barrels from mold, you will need 100 grams of sulfuric acid per bottle of water. With this mixture, using a brush or a rag, cover the walls and bottom of the barrels. After that, leave the object for two days, then wash it with clean water. Indeed, after it is slightly dried, pour quicklime, fill it with water and close it tightly for one to two days. Then rinse it well and dry it.

How to clean plaster?

To clean things from gypsum, a thick paste should be prepared from ordinary starch. Indeed, a thick layer of paste should be applied to the product with a brush and left to dry in the sun or in the cross wind. When the paste hardens, it will be lifted in one place and carefully, like an orange peel. Thus, you can easily remove it with your hands. By removing the paste, all dust and dirt will be removed. This method is used if the surface of the object is completely intact and not flaky.


Ultimately, we hope we have helped you learn how to care for everyday objects. We certify that if you apply any of these instructions to any of your everyday objects, you will definitely be satisfied.

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